Marilyn A. Hudson - Personas

"Personas" are historically themed programs with costume and/or realia related to the historical period. The programs may include stories, first person narrative, demonstrations, readings, recitations and just plain 'showin' off'.

"Personas" are not re-enactments, theater, or storytelling but a blending of all of these to provide an educational and informational program suitable for groups, churches, schools, and community events.

A "persona" - a representational character from the time period - will establish herself through a traditional oral story and/or dramatic story narration suitable to the era or drawn from historic events of the time. Younger audiences will be high on story content and have age appropriate learning experiences.  She will share the biography of notable people  in that era and provide insights through objects (realia) suitable to the program theme.

Costs are based on length of performance plus mileage (two-way at standard IRS rates).

In the Cushing, Oklahoma area please contact:

Marilyn A. Hudson holds a Bachelors of Arts in History and a Masters of Library and Information Studies from the University of Oklahoma. She has many years experience as a children's librarian, library media specialist, and professional storyteller who has shared with children and adults of all ages.
